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Raiding will never be Mandatory. If you like it, then join in...If you don't then don't lol. You won't be Restricted based on the Class you're playing, though the Raids Class compositions will be the Norm ( 2 Tanks | 2 Heals | 4 DPS ) With the exception of a few teams that are skilled to the point where  ( Only 1 Tank and/or 1 Heal is needed ) In which case the composition will be ( 1 Tank | 1 Heal | 6 DPS  "or" 1 Tank | 2 Heals | 5 DPS "or" 2 Tanks | 1 Heal | 5 DPS) . In Cases where someone isn't available during a raid, they can be "TEMPORARILY" replaced by someone from another Team.



Below I Added the Raid Team Compositions along with their Main Class/Role and their Secondary Class/Role. That way I'll know who to invite to fill in the roles when members aren't on for those times.  Even if you have more than 2 Max, Only will be adding the Main and Secondary. It's not a Permanent Thing, but will be of those actively Raiding, so those who aren't up here yet can be apart of it once they do reach this point. There will be days set established for Raids, and some days will be Random to also bring in those who don't actively Raid, but want to Progress.


The container filled with our memories together. Memories of Old and New Members, events,
Roleplaying, everything!

Memories of the Past

Raid Teams

Aether (Raid)


* Asher Fae | TANK/DPS

Darton | TANK

* Liliana Nazareth |HEAL/DPS

* Anemone Valesti | DPS/HEAL

* Ace Phoenix | DPS/TANK

* Ushiro Nasaki | DPS/TANK


Ushiro Nasaki | WAR(Tank)

Zhael Estoma *Fri* | WAR(Tank) : DRG(DPS)

Rei Blackwood *Weds* | BRD(DPS) : DRG(DPS)

????? ?????

Anama Cara of Blue Square | BLM(DPS)

Treallan Lionheart of Kaizoku | DRG(DPS) : BLM(DPS)

*Anemone Valesti | MNK(DPS)

*Ace Phoenix | BLM(DPS)



Solar (Farm)

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