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Core Revolutionary Member ( Royal Family Member )

The Core of the Revolutionaries consists of a Royal Family Member from each of the City-State houses who didn't believe in the actions of their Family. Their connections to the World government is unknown to all except their Knights. They guide the hand of their company, Assisted and Protected by their Personal Aether-Knights.

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Ul'dah

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Gridania

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Limsa Lominsa

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Galemald



R o l e s


Personal Warriors to the Royal Family members. Aether Knights are the best of the best; strengths exceeding most throughout the lands. These are not your Typical Knights, as they aren't expected to be machines with a sole duty. While some may be different in Personality, the thing they all share in common is that they are Loyal to their Respective Royal Family Member until their end. While normally 2 Aether Knights Reign from a Single House, it is possible to have more if Knighted by a Royal Family Member.

- Ace Phoenix Reigning from the House of Ul'dah

- Anemone Valesti Reigning from the House of Ul'dah

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Gridania

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Gridania

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Limsa Lominsa

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Limsa Lominsa

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Galemald

- ????? ????? Reigning from the House of Galemald

( Must be at least 2 from each, but Can be up to 20 )




The Entire body of what's fighting the World Government. They Consist of Low, Middle, and even High Class Citizens, Crafters, Mercanaries, Job Specialists etc... from each Four City-States that believe inorder to restore things, The World Government must be brought down. Without them, there would be no Force to fight back.

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from  ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from  ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from ??????

- ????? ????? Reigning from  ??????

( Can be up to 12, but may be limited to less depending on Aether Knight Slots)



H y d a e l i n ' s  B l e s s i n g s

Shared Blessings (Royal | Aether | Citizen)

When Hydaelin infused herself with the Warriors, it granted each and every one of them special abilities; Special abilities that they share as well as abilities that are unique to each of them. Listed here is the ones that everyone share

Tempered Core

The ability to resist being Tempered by any of the Primals for an limited period of time. It is weaker with certain Primals and doesn't  grant full immunity from it. 


Soul Merge

This is an ability that allows each individual to access the Chakra(Aether) Within them and enchance their physical capabilities. The Enhanced Abilities varies between each individual and their Chakra. ( Basically the Ability to Change into your Job Class. Each person can only have access to 1 Job Class unless Specified by another ability )


- 7th Chakra Burst

In dire situations, some of the individuals will find that their chakra is unstable. This is the 7th Chakra in it's Raw form, ready to be channeled out. It's not harmful if it isn't, but when channeled it flows out in a destructive form. (DPS Limit Break)


- 7th Chakra Pulse

Similar to 7th Chakra Burst, Pulse is a more stable from of it, which when unleashed flows outwards across the field, bringing life to all. (Healer Limit Break)



Unique Blessings (Royal)

- Aether Grasp

This is an ability that allows them to Remove Aether from a Person or a thing and place it within something else or within themselves for various purposes. This Also include Hydaelin's Essence inorder to increase their fighting capability as well as Revitalize themselves. The only cases in which they may remove Aether/Hydaelin's essence from another is if that person is Dead, or Willing. Placing Hydaelin's Essence from one person into another will grant the new person Hydaelin's Blessing.


- The Whisper

A unique ability that creates a Telepathic connection bewteen the Royal Family member and others minds, allowing them to communicate through the special connections without actually talking. Once the Connection is made, The reciever can also communicate with the one that initiated the connection. ( Using the Whisper Function within the RP with Everyone )


Craft Mastery

Hydaelin's Blessings had a more direct affect on their minds than the others, increasing their ability to think and be efficient. It's because of this that they are able to pick up multiple Crafts. ( Able to specialize in 2 Crafts in RP )





Unique Blessings (Aether)

Eternal Stand

An ability that helps define the Aether-Knights. Their ability to recover quickly from most things that would be considered an affliction, both Physical and Mental. A person barely surviving a fight against a Primal would be bed ridden for at least a few weeks, while this allows an Aether Knight to be up on his feet the very next day. They even regain their memories back at a Faster rate.


Aether Merge

An Advancement of the Soul Merge, the Aether Merge allows them to Alter their very Chakra so that it provides a different funtion within the body than before, allowing them to enhance different attributes than what was allowed through Soul Merge. ( The Ability to Change into up to 3 different Job Class )



The Whisper

A unique ability that creates a Telepathic connection bewteen the Aether Knight and others, allowing them to communicate through the special connections without actually talking. Once the Connection is made, The reciever can also communicate with the one that initiated the connection. ( Using the Whisper Function within the RP with "Royals" Only )




Unique Blessings (Citizen)

- Weapon Mastery

With the Increase in their thinking capabilities, they are able to figure out the most efficient ways to utilize weaponry of all kinds, allowing them to access all the Classes (Not Job) ( Access to all classes available )


Craft Mastery

Hydaelin's Blessings had a more direct affect on their minds than the others, increasing their ability to think and be efficient. It's because of this that they are able to pick up multiple Crafts. ( Able to specialize in 3 Crafts in RP )


Aether Merge

An Advancement of the Soul Merge, the Aether Merge allows them to Alter their very Chakra so that it provides a different funtion within the body than before, allowing them to enhance different attributes than what was allowed through Soul Merge. ( The Ability to Change into up to 2 different Job Class )




Restrictions | Rules

- Throughout the Entire RP, unless stated otherwise by a Unique ability, you will stick with the Class/Job/Craft you started with so choose wisely at the beginning. 1 Class, 1 Job, 1 Craft


- Markets cannot be used while within the RP. Items that have not actually been gathered within the RP shouldn't be used within the RP. 


- Start off where you left off in an RP. If you left off with your Char going to sleep in Ul'dah hurt after a huge battle, don't start off your RP somewhere else perfectly fine lol.


- Dont use Out of Character knowledge within the RP. If your Character didn't find something out In the RP, then they dont know about it. The only exception being if your Character and another Char have History (Agreed by both of you)


- No Aetheryte Teleportation...Heck no Teleportion in general. You either Travel by Chocoporter or on foot.


- More to come...




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